Regular exfoliation can help remove excessive amounts of dead skin cells that can lead to clogged pores. The process may also gently remove existing blackheads. Rather than looking for harsh scrubs, you'll want to focus on alpha (AHAs) to get the job done.
Products that contain AHA's report many benefits to the skin:
Smoothing fine lines & wrinkles
Improving skin texture and tone
Unblocking and cleansing pores
Improving overall skin appearance
AHA's work by exfoliating the skin. Exfoliation sheds surface skin cells and can produce rapid skin cell turnover.
Sugie Cubes All Natural Body Scrub contains AHA's which is the active ingredient that is a rock star on exfoliation and getting your skin smooth. So head on over to Sugie Skin Care products page and get yours today! Get exfoliated!